Here is the very first photo that I took of Laura in a cage at the cat shelter where I found her. She's saying "Take me home now !".

Laura lounging in the studio.

Here's Tiff, also lounging in the studio with Laura in the background. I used to feed some wild outdoor cats and one of my neighbors called me one day during a snowstorm. She thought one of the cats that I was feeding was outside her door and looked half frozen. She said that she would bring him over. It turned out that it wasn't one of the cats that I usually feed. I felt sorry for him and took him in. Tiff turned out to be a fantastic cat and is always at my side, I guess he remembers that bad snowstorm.

This is Jpeg, the clown of the family. When my wife Jeanne died, Laura was very lonely. I thought another cat around the house would make her happy. It worked and also livened the house up quite a bit. She just loves sitting in sinks and also does other crazy stuff like walking on the beams that are in my house. She did some pretty wild things when I first brought her home from the same cat shelter where I found Laura. One the first crazy things Jpeg did was to take a flying leap from a beam onto that bubble lamp that you see in the photo below.

One of Jpeg's favorite lounging spots is up on that beam where she can keep her eye on everything that's going on.

The cats are always around when I'm in the studio, whether I'm working at the computer or painting. Here's Tiff "hiding" under a plastic sheet that I use to cover the carpet when painting.
Gloria has two cats, Schnickelfritz and Blackjack, we are trying to figure out how to merge them all.
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