I can't remember if this is actually Prague or not, but in this frame I had to depict a specific area in a specific European city.

usually I could count on finding reference like this in my large collection of National Geographic magazines or on the internet

Reference material is very important, you can't just make up stuff like this.

The next few frames were of Rio de Janeiro

The happy folks must have been celebrating New Years Eve.

All these frames were rendered with markers on high quality layout paper and delivered over the internet.
Great work, Harry. Just fine marker comps....or 'storyboards'....as they were called. As you said....reference on those is essential....and hard to find on short notice. And even then, you have to wing it. Reference is just a starter. I noticed out here, deadlines later on got ruthless. An illustrator friend 'cooperated'....would get a call on a Friday for a Monday AM delivery. Did all nighters, slept in his studio....and in a few years, a divorce. Again, nice stuff on your blog.
Thanks, Charlie ! The computer made delivery a bit easier, except you had to scan everything after working all night. One Art Director didn't know where he was going to be and I had to send the scans to four or five different places. Computers can also CRASH which is another problem. by the way, "ruthless" is a great way to describe those deadlines.
Harry, (if I may be so familiar), I found your blog through another link--Illustration blog?--and I have very much enjoyed scanning through your various artworks in all media, both fine art and commercial. I've been aware of your work for many years, from here and there.
I particularly enjoy your use of color. Perhaps I'm wrong, but after wondering what I was reminded of in looking at your color handling, I realized that Ewan Uglow's color seems similar to me--flat and matte, but with bright colors, (blues especially). Very nice.
I like that you work both representationally and abstractly. Your work is fresh and modern, and doesn't seem derivative of any obvious influences...it's your voice! I've done life drawing at the Art Student's League and I'm surprised at this late date to hear other students (and some teachers!) scorn "frauds" such as Picasso, Matisse, etc. Whatever one's opinion on a particular artist, such wholesale dismissal of an approach to art, when expressed by artists, startles me.
Anyway, I've bookmarked your blog and will visit often.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your king words, I'm pleased that you enjoy my work. I've had a long, varied, enjoyable career and will keep posting the stuff as I locate it.
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