I liked the shapes and colors in SUDAN and retained some of the original in this new work titled SWEET PURPLE NUDE. Craig Smith, my gallery owner, had misread the original title, SEATED PURPLE NUDE, and I liked his title better, so I changed it.

If you study these images you will see that many of the shapes and colors in the original work were retained in the new painting. It's not unusual for artists to paint over older paintings, I've done quite often. This new series is on display at Craig's gallery presently.

Several area galleries are having a charity event tomorrow and here are a couple of posters I designed for the Craig Smith Gallery who will be featuring some of my new paintings. Gloria will also have a table at Craig's displaying her Mary Kay cosmetic line as well as her book "50 Ways To Find Romance After 50".

If anyone out there is interested in knowing more about Gloria's book, you can contact her at romanceafter50(at)sbcglobal(dot)net.
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