While working in an art studio I even managed to squeeze in teaching full time at the college level and was head of the Advertising Department at the school. I taught classes in graphic design, illustration and cartooning. One of my first successful ventures was doing a series paintings for Ford Times magazine which actually led to ad agency art directors giving me a lot of illustration assignments. I will post many examples from that era. For the last forty years I have specialized in doing storyboards and animatics, servicing major clients in the US and abroad.

Several years ago I became interested in digital art, it was quite by accident as I really had no intention of buying a computer. I used to ship all of my out of town assignments by package delivery services and one day a package arrived very late and another was actually lost ! My clients were furious and I had to redo a big storyboard project overnight. The agency said that if I wanted more work from them I would have to buy a computer so that I could deliver the finished work over the internet. I complied immediately and everything worked like a charm after that, no more late or lost packages. During some down time I began to experiment with computer art and was astonished at the possibilities that this medium offered, I've been hooked ever since. Ive created many limited edition prints which I exhibit in galleries and museums. Commercially I've done book illustrations and CD album covers which I will share with you. I am a sculptor as well and will display some of my pieces in later posts.

While living and working in Paris I wrote several "How to" books for Watson Guptill Publications and will post a few of the step-by-step demos for line drawings and color illustrations from the books. You'll also see illustrations and storyboard work that I did for French ad agencies. While in Paris, I had the opportunity to exhibit my paintings in all of the French painting salons, some of the paintings even ended up being used in magazine ads. I had a great time in France and even was sent to Madrid, Vienna, Singapore and Jakarta on special assignments. I have traveled extensively and will share some of the watercolors and ink sketches that I did on the spot as well as paintings that I did later in my studio. My most recent series of abstract acrylic paintings and figures studies will also be posted.
Thanks for viewing my blog and I hope that you will be a regular visitor.

1 comment:
WOW! What great information! I'm sending this to all the "budding" artists I know!
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