Here are a couple of new covers with my character Captain Albania. These strips, as the others, were done while practicing and learning how to use Photoshop on the computer.
More Outrageous covers based on my Captain Albania comic strips that were done a couple of years ago. I did these strips as a method of practicing doing digital images on my computer. It's a lot of fun, if you are an artist, try it yourself.
A couple of new covers featuring Captain Albania, my version of a Buck Rogers type of character. My gout is improving, but not as quickly as I would like, I still have to use a cane when I walk.
My gout situation is gradually getting better, I'm able to walk with a cane and also able to drive. Gloria was a wonderful nurse, helping me out and babying me for over two weeks, she left yesterday.
Everything went well with my Defibrillator procedure except that I got a bad case of the gout in both legs and was unable to walk for a few days. Things are getting better and I will be able to post some new things soon.
I probably won't be able to post anything for a week as I am going to have a defibrillator
installed tomorrow, it's like a Pacemaker that monitors the heart. My doctor recommended that I do this as I have a very weak heart. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, will let you know.