Friday, April 23, 2010

Black and white storyboard sketches

This storyboard assignment was for one of my New York clients, Hal Riney, they wanted 24 frames in black and white sketch form, which to be presented to their client. I don't have the originals, but I believe that they were done in the 5 x 7" size. Often, if my clients had a very tight deadline they would request black and white line or tone sketches which could be rendered faster than full color work.

HRP 1&2

HRP 3&4

HPR 5&6

HRP 7&8

HRP 9&10

HRP 11&12

On my next post I will show the remaining frames. It's unusual to receive a single storyboard assignment with this many frames, usually a board is 8 or 10 frames.


Oscar Solis said...

I like the quick style that you've displayed in the last few postings. One of the things I dislike about tight storyboards is that, while beautifully rendered, there is a sort of "stiffness" for want of a better word. The looser drawings have a liveliness even when depicting a mundane action.

A question: Did you ever draw storyboards for the movie industry? Or was that something that didn't interest you in terms of the time involved which would cut into other assignments?

As always, I truly enjoy the work displayed.

Harry Borgman said...

Hi Oscar,
Thanks for your comments. I agree with you that looser renderings have a more appealing look. most of my assignments had such tight deadlines that I just had to develop a fast, loose technique. Sometimes under difficult deadlines the work suffers, however.
I would have been interested in working on storyboards for the movie industry but only had the opportunity once. When living in New York City I was once asked to work out an airplane situation for a movie, I don't remember the name of the film, but they were having difficulty with some kind of an aircraft landing sequence and I was asked to work out a couple of possibilities. It was a very interesting project.